Can Cats Drink Alcohol? Should They?

Can cats drink alcohol? This is a question that has been asked by many cat owners who have curious cats. 

While you know that cats are not recommended to drink alcohol, is it possible for cats to drink a small amount?

In this article, we will discuss all related questions about alcohol that you might want to know.

Let’s continue to read it.

Do Cats Like the Smell of Alcohol?

In general, no! Cats do not like the smell of alcohol, but it depends on the individual cat. 

Cats are known for being a curious animal and their ability to get into anything that catches their interest. 

Cats also have a much more sensitive sense of smell compared to humans, so they might not like strong smells like alcohol.

The strong scent of alcohol also can be off-putting to your cat and they might try to avoid it. 

Overall, while some cats might not like the smell of alcohol, others may like it. As all cats have different preferences, so they also react to smell in different ways.

The best way to find out is to observe your cat’s behavior when it reacts to alcohol or other strong-smelling substances.

Can Cats Drink Alcohol?

No, cats cannot drink alcohol, it is not recommended at all. 

You should never give them alcohol. Alcohol is toxic and harmful to your cat with serious health problems and even death.

Cats have a lower tolerance and a slower metabolism than humans, so even a small amount of alcohol also can lead to your cat’s problem.

Here are several of the possible consequences if your cat drinks alcohol:

  • If your cat drinks alcohol, it can risk developing liver problems.
  • It affects your cat’s central nervous system.
  • It is harmful to their kidney function and urine production.
  • Alcohol can irritate and harm your cat’s stomach and intestinal lining, which can result in digestive problems.
  • It also affects your cat’s breathing and may lead to difficulty in breathing or slowed breathing.
  • It affects their blood sugar levels and metabolism as a result your cat might have hypoglycemia.
  • In severe cases, your cat could be coma or even death

Totally, if you love your cat, you must avoid alcohol from them. Moreover, if you notice that your cat drinks or licks alcohol, please find a way to help them and it is always best to ask your vet to get some advice.

How to Know If Your Cat Has Alcohol Poisoning?

It might be difficult to identify alcohol poisoning in cats because the symptoms can differ based on the type and amount of alcohol consumed.

However, there are some signs if your cat ingests alcohol or alcohol poisoning:

Change Behavior: cats that ingest alcohol have changed their behavior such as exhibiting disorientation, lack of coordination, confusion, and general unsteadiness. 

They may also appear lethargic or sad. It is like humans when we are drunk, we might change some behavior like sad or happy.

Vomiting & Diarrhea:  alcohol poisoning can lead your cat to an upset stomach and lead to vomiting and diarrhea.

Decreased Body Temperature: Cats can decrease their body temperature because alcohol affects their central nervous system and blood circulation which make your cat feel drowsy, less alert, and depressed.

Therefore, your cat can reduce their ability to regulate their body temperature. 

Heart Attack: it could be a sign of alcohol poisoning if your cat’s heart rate is unusually fast or slow. 

Alcohol can slow down your cat’s heartbeat and lower blood pressure, which can reduce the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to the heart muscles. 

There is much risk for cats who have underlying heart disease or other health problems. 

Breathing Difficulties: alcohol can lead to your cat’s breathing difficulties because it affects their respiratory system and oxygen levels. 

It is a serious symptom for your cat, so they require immediate vet attention. 

Seizures & Tremors: Ingests alcohol can affect your cat’s nervous system and brain function. It also can lower blood sugar levels. 

All of these effects can disrupt your cat’s normal activity of the brain.  In this case, your cat might have seizures and tremors. 

It is also the most serious condition that can lead to permanent brain damage or even death if not treated promptly.

Therefore, if you note that your cat has alcohol poisoning, it is important to ask your vet for advice or take them to an emergency veterinary clinic to make sure your cat is completely safe.

What to Do If My Cat Drank Alcohol?

If your cat has consumed alcohol, it is important to take action immediately. As we know alcohol is highly toxic to your cat and can cause serious health issues.

Here are a few tips that you should do if your cat drank alcohol:

Stop Your Cat

You must keep your cat out immediately. Remove any leftover alcohol and make sure your cat can’t get to it.

Ask Your Vet

Contact your vet right away and tell them about your cat’s situation. 

You should inform the vet of the type of alcohol and the amount that your cat has been drunk. Then follow their instructions carefully. 

Observer Their Behavior

After you follow your vet’s advice, you should keep monitoring your cat’s behavior and note signs such as vomiting, difficult breath, seizures & tremors, heart attack, decreased body temperature, or change in behavior.

Visit Your Vet

If your cat shows symptoms worse, you must take them to visit your vet. In severe cases, a treatment known as “oxygen therapy” is required for cats.

Can Cats Drink Alcohol? Final Thought!

Can cats drink alcohol? No! Alcohol is not good for your cat and can be toxic to your cat’s health issues. 

Alcohol can lead to your cat’s symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, difficult breath, seizures & tremors, heart attack, decreased body temperature, or even death. 

Therefore, if you notice that your cat drank alcohol, it is important to contact your vet as much as possible. 

The vet might provide you with the best way to help your cat, but if your cat’s symptoms are still worse, please take them to visit the vet immediately.

Daney Hak

I’m a passionate cat mom and pet lover. Apart from being a cat owner, I’ve spent many years of my childhood around them. In my experience, I’ve learned the importance of understanding your cat to be able to cater to them adequately. Thank you so much for your time.

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