Can Cats Eat Popcorn? (Solved!)

Can Cats Eat Popcorn?

Some cat owners have been told that their cats cannot eat popcorn, but this is false. It is perfectly safe for your kitty to consume a small amount of popcorn as long as it’s not too hot and they don’t eat too much at once.

You should also make sure that you’re feeding them the right kind of popcorn. Most people feed their cat’s microwaveable corn or instant corn flakes, which are not ideal because they often contain preservatives and additives like salt and sugar.

The best type of food to give your cat is plain old-fashioned air-popped kernels with no butter or salt on them!

Health Benefits of Popcorn for Cats:

Cats often benefit from popcorn in the same way that people do. It’s a good source of fiber and can help resolve issues like constipation.

Though it should be eaten in moderation, popcorn can also provide the right amount of folic acid to help your cat grow and produce red blood cells. It’s also a natural diuretic which means it helps to flush out harmful toxins and fluids.

Please also note that if your cat has diabetes, you should consult your veterinarian before feeding them popcorn.

Ingredients to be Aware of when feeding Your Cat Popcorn:

As a general rule of thumb, the simple the ingredients in a food product are, the better it is for your cat. The best foods are those that have one ingredient, e.g., natural chicken breast, or salmon.

Foods with very long lists of ingredients are not good for cats. The reason for this is that they usually contain a lot of salt and sugar and other preservatives and additives which can cause your cat to start putting on weight, become hyperactive or develop diarrhea among other issues.

How Much Popcorn Can Cats Consume?

The general rule is that one handful of popcorn per day should be okay. If you want to feed them more than this, or if your cat already has health issues, there are a couple of things you should consider.

  1. When feeding your cat popcorn for the first time, do so in moderation to make sure your cat doesn’t have any allergic reactions to it.
  2. If they like the taste and seem to be doing fine on it, you can gradually increase the amount you give them.
  3. If your cat is too young or has health issues, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian before trying to give them any kind of new food.

How to Feed Popcorn to Your Cats:

When you’re ready to give your cat some popcorn, simply put a little bit of it in their cat bowl and let them eat it.

Offering your cats air-popped, plain corn with no salt or sugar is the safest and healthiest option.

You should, however, be careful when feeding them popcorn for the first time. Make sure that they actually like the taste of it before you start letting them eat more than one handful per day.

Please also note that some cats enjoy it too much and start licking off all the salt and sugar before eating the actual corn. If this is your cat’s behavior, then you need to cut down on the amount of salt and sugar you add.

Can Cats Eat Corn?

Yes, cats can eat corn. But only plain air-popped kernels with no salt or sugar on them.

There are also some types of store-bought cat food that contain corn, so if it’s in your kitty’s food keep an eye on the ingredients.

If you suspect that your cat is eating something unhealthy, then their weight is a good indicator. Make sure they are not putting on any excess pounds, as this may indicate they are eating something bad for them.

Please also note that if your cat has diabetes, you should consult with a veterinarian before feeding them popcorn.

Alternative Healthy Snacks:

If you want to give your cat something healthy but they don’t like the taste of plain kernels, there are always other healthy options.

One popular and well-loved treat by cats and kittens alike is dried or dehydrated chicken breast. It’s not only good for them, but cats love the taste.

Another healthy alternative is to give your cat some cat grass, which is very good for their digestion. It’s also fun for them to eat.

So if you want your cat to have a healthy life, then consider giving them some of these alternative snacks.

Please also note that if your cat has diabetes, you should consult with a veterinarian before feeding them popcorn.

Vegetables That Are Safe For Your Cats:

Anything green and leafy is usually safe for your cat to eat.

Some examples of vegetables that are good for cats include:

  1. Broccoli
  2. Cucumbers
  3. Green Beans
  4. Kale
  5. Spinach
  6. Zucchini

You should also check the internet to find out if there are any other vegetables that are safe for cats to eat.

Don’t forget that you should only give your cat vegetables sparingly, as too many of them can give them diarrhea.

Nutrition Aside, Popcorn Can Pose Other Risks:

You probably know that feeding your cat any kind of popcorn is not at all healthy for them.

Not only do they lack the enzymes to break down and digest corn, but they also can’t digest the hulls.

If your cat eats too many of the hulls, it can cause them to have a bowel obstruction.

The biggest risk for this, however, is that they might try to eat the entire bowl of popcorn and end up with indigestion and discomfort in their stomach.

Of course, there are other risks that come along with feeding your cat unhealthy foods such as tooth decay (from eating too many sugary snacks) and weight gain.


If you’ve been looking for ways to improve your cat’s nutrition or add some variety to their diet, consider giving them a few pieces of popcorn.

Just be aware that there are certain ingredients in the snack food that may not agree with your kitty.

It is important to monitor how much they eat so as not to give them too many calories.

Daney Hak

I’m a passionate cat mom and pet lover. Apart from being a cat owner, I’ve spent many years of my childhood around them. In my experience, I’ve learned the importance of understanding your cat to be able to cater to them adequately. Thank you so much for your time.

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