Can Cats Eat Scallops? Are Scallops Bad for Cats?

Can Cats Eat Scallops? Are Scallops Bad for Cats?

You may love to eat seafood as a diet-friendly treat, but what about your cat? Can cats have Scallops in their diet? 

The simple answer is “Yes”. Cats can have scallops as a treat for a small portion of their diets occasionally. Let’s talk about it.

In the following, we will tell you a detailed tour of what are scallops and are they safe for cats or not.

What Are Scallops?

Scallops are a type of bivalve mollusk that belongs to the Pectinidae family, which includes clams, mussels, and oysters. There are many types of scallops but are not typically consumed in the U.S.

There are two varieties of scallops: Sea scallop and Bay scallop. The sea scallops are large while bay scallops are smaller about the size of a dime. 

Most bay scallops are found in estuaries and East Coast bays, and the larger sea. No matter the type, Scallops should be a delicate pink or light beige color with a soft texture.

They are on the sandy bottom, but sometimes they can also be found attached to seaweed and rocks.

Are Scallops Safe for cats?

Yes, as long as it’s cooked thoroughly. They are non-toxic for cats.  

Scallops are quite nutritious considering their nutritional profile. Cats are also not nearly as prone to getting sick from small amounts of scallops.  

If you’re giving your cats scallops, make sure they’re cooked and you should not include any additions like garlic, onion, salt, sauce, preservatives and so on.

Steaming and boiling are two great ways for both you and your cats. 

However, do not replace the normal diets for your cats or even weaned kittens since they are not nutritionally complete. 

It is okay to add minimal quantities of scallop to their diets occasionally. Your cats will get excited about this new diet too.

Can Cats Eat Raw Scallops?

Raw seafood including scallops has a high chance it contains salmonella, it can make your cat disease.

Getting scallops from dirty polluted waters. They may have heavy metals such as cadmium, arsenic, mercy or lead as these metals often accumulate in them. There is a high chance of toxins or shellfish poisoning with your cats.

Scallops require additional care while handling due to the possibility of bacteria. Make sure they’re clean and that they’re not rotting.

Can Cats Have Scallops?

Scallops are not recommended for kittens by most veterinarians. They are a human-food that you should not give to your cats. Scallops have a sensitive stomach and can get sick easily.

Introducing new foods to a kitten’s diet is not a good idea. So, you should stick to their regular diet. When they grow up, you can try new foods with them.

Health Benefits of Eating Scallops

Scallops are a good source of essential nutrients, if you feed them minimal amounts. Scallops have 80% protein, and it’s also sporting a low fat content. But you should not make scallops a major part of a cat’s regular diet.

Scallops are a good source of: 

Overall, the high amount of protein in scallops aid in heart rhythm regulation, nervous system function, and memory enhancement.

Risks of Overfeeding Eating Scallops

Large amounts of scallops have the potential to become harmful for cats. Even though it is non-toxic. It is the same for every human food.

Cats have a different digestive system than humans. Cats cannot quickly diet the food that humans eat.

As you know, human-food has tons of seasoning, butter, and oil. All of these substances are harmful to cats and make the main element less nutritious

For example, Fried scallops contain all of the unhealthy ingredients for your cats. If cats eat too many scallops, your feline will get diarrhea and vomiting. Furthermore, fried scallops contain an excessive amount of oil, which induces vomiting.

However, if you do not want to take any chances with your cat’s health. Do not feed them anything that you would not feel safe with them.

Can Cats Eat Scallops? Conclusions:

Can Cats Eat Scallops? Yes, cats can eat scallops in moderation or in small quantities in their diet occasionally. Once or twice a week will be OK for them.  

Scallops have potential health benefits. However, feeding them on a daily basis and in large amounts might be harmful to their health.

Although scallops are non-toxic and they won’t kill your felines. But feeding them raw ones can lead to shellfish poisoning. Give your cats only the plain cooked ones.

Anyway, please consult your veterinarian before adding anything new to your cat’s diet.

Daney Hak

I’m a passionate cat mom and pet lover. Apart from being a cat owner, I’ve spent many years of my childhood around them. In my experience, I’ve learned the importance of understanding your cat to be able to cater to them adequately. Thank you so much for your time.

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