Can Cats Eat Spicy Food? Is It Harmful or Is It Safe?

Can Cats Eat Spicy Food

Does your cat start following you when you bring home some spicy food? Your cat may want to get a taste of it, but can cats eat spicy food? Woefully NO!

This post will talk about all the spicy treats that can be harmful for cats, and some healthy alternatives that you can feed them instead.

Can Cats Consume Spicy Foods?

You should refrain from allowing your cat to bite on spicy food.  It might make your cat feel sick and can disrupt the little delicate stomach.

1) Why Spicy Food Attracts Your Cat?

Cats feels tempted towards flavors and aroma; spicy food is no exception because it has strong, mouthwatering scent.

Spicy food is typically meat-based, so it is an attractive feast to cats

Spicy food is typically meat-based, so it is an attractive feast to felines. Cats being carnivores, are naturally attracted to the aroma of meat. Cats also love to consume warmer foods because it prompts a sense of prey.

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2) Why Spicy Food Is Harmful for Cats?

You may be a spice enthusiast, but don’t give it to your cat. Spicy foods contain capsaicin which is not good for your cat.

It can upset the stomach and may result in vomiting. Spice also cause pain and burning. A cat that eats spicy food is at risk to develop gastrointestinal issues and irritated throat.

The capsaicin in cayenne pepper is so displeasing that people use it as a cat repellent in gardens

The capsaicin in cayenne pepper is so displeasing that people use it as a cat repellent in gardens. Spices can also trigger wet eyes and runny nose.

Many human foods are flavored with capsaicin such as; jalapenos and chili peppers. Oregano, cinnamon, and cilantro also have small amount of capsaicin in them. Offering your cat spicy food can be extremely harmful.

“Use It or Lose It” Perception:

Cats are unable to process the taste of spices. Moreover, felines perceive the thought use-it-or-lose-it thus, they have lost their ability to savor spices and find them useless. When your cat eats something spicy, it can either spit or gulp the food.

3) Other Dangerous Ingredients Found in Spicy Foods:

Capsaicin is not the only ingredient to capture your attention. Spicy foods can also have a number of flavorings that are toxic for cats.

  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg
  • Turmeric
  • Dairy products
  • High fat content
  • Hot sauce

You might have noticed that your cat start begging, when you sit to eat your spicy fried chicken. We love our cats and when they show interest in food we are eating, we can’t resist sharing with them. But, remember they can’t eat everything we eat so don’t ever give in.

Spicy fish, curry, Mexican dishes, pepperoni, pumpkin spice should not be fed to cats

Any other spicy human food should also be avoided such as spicy fish, curry, Mexican dishes, pepperoni, pumpkin spice etc.

4) Spice Substitutes Cats Can Eat:

If your cat begs for spicy food, think about giving it an alternative meal. Some human foods that are safe for your cat include steamed carrots, asparagus, squash, cooked eggs and avocado.

Human foods that are safe for your cat include steamed carrots, asparagus, squash, cooked eggs and avocado.

You can also please your cat with some canned flavorful food such as, shrimp, crab or tuna. These foods can benefit your cat’s health and are a nice, warm and delicious substitute for spicy foods. Canned cat-food is an excellent source of protein and essential nutrients.

Now you can enjoy a meal together by offering your cat a safe and healthy substitute! 

5) Healthy Herbs and Spices Cats Can Eat:

Though spicy foods are not encouraged when it comes to feeding your cat. But there are some herbs and spices you can offer your feline sometimes in small amount for health benefits. These include;

  • Thyme: Thyme is a well-known herb; it has a catnip like effect on cats. It can relieve cough.
  • Licorice: Licorice helps in opening up the airways, improves liver function, soothe allergies, and comfort arthritic soreness.
  • Peppermint, Rosemary, and Chamomile: These spices produce cooling effect that can comfort irritated skin. You can mix them with water and gently apply to the affected area.
  • Ginger: Ginger when given in tiny amount, can help disturbed stomach and nausea.

Can Cats Eat Spicy Food? – Final Words:

Giving your cats spicy food is never a good idea. Always keep in mind that cats are carnivores, and the best way to keep them healthy is to feed them appropriate feline diet. You have to be very careful about the type of food you are offering to your cat.

If they munch on some spicy leftover by chance, make sure they drink plenty of water.

For worse symptoms, consulting with your vet is the best solution.

Daney Hak

I’m a passionate cat mom and pet lover. Apart from being a cat owner, I’ve spent many years of my childhood around them. In my experience, I’ve learned the importance of understanding your cat to be able to cater to them adequately. Thank you so much for your time.

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