Can Cats Have Applesauce? Read Before Feeding Your Small Friend!

Applesauce is a tasty and nutritious snack for humans, but what about cats? Can cats eat applesauce? Is it safe for cats to eat?

The simple answer is Yes! Cats can have applesauce in small amounts. Applesauce is not toxic to your cat, and it also might benefit them as it contains fiber and vitamin C. However, applesauce also has some caveats to consider before giving your cat.

In this article, we will answer more about applesauce as well as what are the benefits and drawbacks of applesauce for your cat so that you can make the best choice for your small friend.

What Is Applesauce?

Applesauce is a sweet and smooth sauce or puree made from mashed and cooked apples, usually with some water, sugar, and spices added.

Applesauce can be homemade or purchased from a store. It can be eaten as a dessert, a side dish, or topping for other foods.

However, applesauce can have different flavors, depending on personal preference or the brand.  Some brands might contain artificial sweeteners, preservatives, flavors, or colors, which could be harmful or toxic to your cats.

Therefore, it is important to read the label carefully before buying it. You should choose an applesauce that is natural and organic, with no added ingredients

Can Cats Eat Applesauce?

Yes, Cats can occasionally eat a small amount of applesauce but should not replace their regular diet.

Applesauce is not toxic to cats, and it can also provide some fiber and hydration to your cat.

However, you should be careful about the sugar or artificial sweeteners in some applesauce. They can be unhealthy for your small friend.

Furthermore, some cats may have digestive sensitivities, so it’s important to watch their reaction and speak with a veterinarian if you have any concerns about your cat’s diet.

Is It Safe for Cats to Eat Applesauce?

Yes, cats are safe to eat applesauce, but you should remember that cats obligate carnivores, which means they need meat as their main source of nutrition.

Anyway, if you want to share some applesauce with your cat, you should be careful and follow these guidelines.

Small Amount: Cats have a limited ability to taste sweetness, so you should offer only a tiny amount of applesauce because too much of it can damage your cat’s digestive system.

Non-Additives: Applesauce without any sweeteners or spices might be better and healthier for your cat. Therefore, you can look for applesauce that has no added sugars, artificial sweeteners, or spices like cinnamon.

Keep Monitor: While applesauce is safe for your cat to eat, it is important to keep watching your cat closely after you give them applesauce because some cats can have digestive sensitivities such as stomach upset, unusual behavior, or allergies. If you notice any signs of this, you should stop feeding applesauce immediately.

Balanced Diet: Always keep in mind that applesauce is not a type of your cat’s main source of nutrition. It is only a treat, please never replace your cat’s regular diet.  You should always feed your cat a balanced and nutritious diet that is specially designed for their needs.

Consult with Your Vet: Remember that all cats may have different preferences and sensitivities while it is safe for one but may not be the same for another. It is always a good idea to ask your vet before including new food for your cat.

Is It Okay for Cats to Eat Unsweetened Applesauce?

Yes, unsweetened applesauce is okay for cats to eat in moderation. It is not harmful to your cat because it doesn’t contain any added sugars or artificial sweeteners. Some cats may also enjoy eating it​ as an occasional treat.

However, not all cats will be safe from eating unsweetened applesauce, some cats might also have digestive systems.

Therefore, if you prefer to feed unsweetened applesauce to your cat, you should choose specifically formulated for them with a balanced diet and keep monitoring your cat closely after they have eaten.

Overall, cats are safe from eating unsweetened applesauce, but if you are concerned about your cat’s diet, asking your vet is always the best. 

What Are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Applesauce for Cats?

Even though cats can eat applesauce, you might still want to know whether it has any benefits or drawbacks for cats.

Well, here are some benefits and drawbacks of feeding your cat applesauce.


Fiber contains: Applesauce provides dietary fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, which can be beneficial for your cat’s digestive system, immunity, and overall health.

Hydration: It also has a high-water content, which can help your cat stay hydrated especially if your cat does not drink enough water.

Tasty Treat: Applesauce can be a great tasty treat for your cat as some cats enjoy the texture and flavor of cooked applesauce.


Digestive Upset: As we know, cats have sensitive digestive systems. Including new foods like applesauce, can cause stomach problems, diarrhea, or vomiting, especially if they eat in large amounts.

High in Calories: Applesauce contains calorie-dense due to natural sugars, which can be unhealthy for cats in excess.

Sugar Contain: Sugar can cause obesity, diabetes, dental problems, and oval health problems in cats.

Additives: Spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, can irritate or be poisonous to your cat. As a result, your cat might have mouth ulcers, diarrhea, vomiting, or liver damage.

Nutritional Imbalance: Cats are obligate carnivores and require a high-protein diet. Therefore, applesauce is not a necessary or beneficial part of your cat’s diet.

Overall, applesauce is generally safe for your cat to eat in moderation and can offer some benefits to your cat’s health and well-being.

However, it also has some drawbacks that outweigh the advantages. Therefore, you should be careful and limit the amount of applesauce you give to your cat.

Can Cats Eat Applesauce? Conclusion:

Yes, applesauce can be a safe and tasty treat for your cat. You can choose an organic and natural applesauce with no added ingredient or make it your own at home.

You can provide only a small amount of applesauce occasionally as too much amount can lead to your cat’s digestive system.

In addition, you should also keep monitoring your cat’s reaction to applesauce and stop giving it if you notice any signs of pain or discomfort. However, every cat is different and may have different preferences and tolerances for foods.  Always consult with your vet before introducing any new foods to your diet.

Daney Hak

I’m a passionate cat mom and pet lover. Apart from being a cat owner, I’ve spent many years of my childhood around them. In my experience, I’ve learned the importance of understanding your cat to be able to cater to them adequately. Thank you so much for your time.

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