Do Cats Get Sad When Separated from Their Kitten? Understand Their Fact Behavior!

Many owners might want to separate kittens from their moms, but they might consider the mom’s feelings. Do cats get sad when separated from their kitten? 

The short answer is Yes, Cats can get sad when you give their kittens away. Separating kittens from their mothers can be heartbreaking as both of them have a strong bond and cats can experience sadness when they are not together.

In this post, we will discuss more about the signs of their sadness as well as the way to help them from this sadness.

There may be questions in your mind regarding cats like Do Cats Know When You Are Sad? Why My Cat Won’t Leave Me Alone?

Can Cats Get Sad?

Yes, cats can get sad like humans. Cats bond with people and other animals in their environment, so they will get sad easily if they are separated as cats are sensitive animals.

While they may not express or display emotions of sadness as humans do, they can exhibit behaviors that indicate sadness.

Cats can get sad for many reasons such as a change in environment, sickness, lost family members or companions, environmental stressors, abandonment, and other reasons.

In fact, cats can get all feelings as humans like sadness, happiness, or even stress and they are more likely to show their emotion through their actions and body language. 

Do Cats Get Sad When Separated from Their Kittens?

Yes, both cats and kittens do get sad when we separate them.  Mother is known for creating strong bonds with their young kittens, so it can cause her to become sad, stressed, anxious, and even depressed.

However, the cat’s sadness can depend on the individual such as how long they live together, how strong their bond is, and the circumstances of the separation. 

Below there are some signs that they can get distressed when separated from their kittens.

Decreased appetite: sad cats may lose interest in food, so they may eat less than usual.

Cats can change in their eating habits which can be a sign that something is wrong or their digestive system.

Excessive grooming: when your cat is anxious or stressed, they could over-groom themselves leading them to bald patches or hair loss.

Change in behavior: your cat may change their behavior such as sleeping more or less than usual. They might also stay alone and hide more often.

Excessive meowing: some cats may excessively express sadness by meowing loudly or yowling. 

Defecating outside of the litter box: sadness also could affect a cat’s litter box behavior. They may use or defecate outside of the litter box and they might have constipation or diarrhea.

Physical signs: cats might experience a bodily indication of sadness. They can appear to lack energy, exhibit lethargy or have a hunched posture.

However, every cat might display different signs, so it is important to pay close attention to these signs and provide your cat with extra love and support during this difficult time.

You should spend more time on proper care and understanding, cats can learn to cope with the separation of their kittens in healthy ways.

It is always best to consult with your vet who can provide you with the best possible to ensure the well-being of all involved.

How Long Does It for a Mom Cat to Forget Her Kittens?

The period of time it takes for a mother cat to forget her kittens depends on the individual cat and their situation. 

In general, cats might start to weaken as the kitten ages and gain greater independence, which is between 8 to 12 weeks of age.

By this time, mom cats may become less attentive to her kittens and spend less time with them.

However, some cats might have long-lasting memories and recognize their offspring even though they are grown up. 

Therefore, it’s important to note that every cat is different, and the length of the mother’s attachment and subsequent adjustment to separation might be different.

Does Mother Cat Recognize Their Kittens After Being Separated?

Yes, cats can recognize and remember, especially if they have a history of spending a lot of time together. 

Cats have a good memory. They are able to remember and recognize their kittens even if they are separate for a long time.

While the exact duration of memory can vary among individual cats, they can recognize and remember familiar faces or scents, including those of their offspring.

In some cases, if they are returned to live together after a period of separation, they may show signs of recognition and familiarity like grooming and sniffing each other.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that feline memory differs from human memory. 

Cats recognize individuals and recall experiences mostly by scent, visual cues, and acquired associations.

How Do You Cheer Up a Sad Cat?

While cats get sad, you might want to cheer them up from sadness.

Here are some tips to help you to improve your cat’s mood:

Providing extra attention: During this period of time, your cats may want to get attention and love from their owner, so you should spend extra time playing with them. This is best to help them lift their spirits.

Provide a peaceful and secure environment: you can set up a quiet and comfortable area for her where she can retreat from her feelings or stress.

Maintain a regular routine: Cats are known to thrive on routine, so you should try to keep their regular eating, playing, and sleeping schedule consistent​ while this regular can help them to reduce stress.

Provide them with some toys: Toys can help your cat keep active that helps them forget their kittens for a while.

Monitor their diet:​ while your cat is sad, they might not be interested in eating, so it is important to monitor their diet and provide your cat food with a balanced and nutritious diet. 

Consult with your veterinarian: finally, if your cat is still sad or worsens, you should consult with your vet. They will tell you about your cat’s physical and emotional health to rule out any underlying medical condition to their sadness.

However, all cats are individuals. Cheering up sad cats, you must be patient and understand their behavior to learn the best ways to make them feel better.

Final Thoughts:

Do cats feel sad when their kittens leave? Yes, both mom and kittens will get sad when they are separated as they have a strong bond with each other.

While they are not displaying their sadness like us but we can know they are sad by their body language and behavior.

So, if your cat gets sad while separated from their kittens, you should help them to cheer up their sadness by providing extra love and care for them.

If they still worsen, the best way is to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical condition to their sadness.

Please help them as much as you can since they are also members of your family. We hope it is helpful for you. Thank you!

Daney Hak

I’m a passionate cat mom and pet lover. Apart from being a cat owner, I’ve spent many years of my childhood around them. In my experience, I’ve learned the importance of understanding your cat to be able to cater to them adequately. Thank you so much for your time.

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