How Long Cats Can Go Without Eating? A Day or A Week?

Are you feeling concerned about your cat’s health because she is not eating anything or seems disinterested in food? And that’s the reason you are wondering how long can cats go without eating?

In this article, we will talk about how long can a cat survive without eating and consuming water. Also, a number of ways to fix this. So, let’s begin!

How Long Cats Can Survive Without Food?

Cats can go without eating for up to two weeks but with enough hydration. Deprived of protein they can only survive for three or four days even if they are hydrated.

1) Why Your Cat Isn’t Eating?

First thing first, your cat might not be hungry. Cats sometimes become very choosy in eating. But, don’t suppose that it is the only reason they are not showing interest in eating anything.

There can be some other factors that can affect their appetite also. Most common of those is due to illness.

You should observe your cat to get to know about the actual cause behind lost hunger

You should observe your cat to get to know about the actual cause behind lost hunger. Monitor their behavioral changes carefully. If your cat doesn’t eat for more than a day, it’s alarming, your cat needs an instant veterinary attention.

The earlier the cause is known, the faster you can get it treated and make your cat feel better.

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2) Factors That Can Disturb A Cat’s Appetite:

  1. Boredom over one type of food
  2. New food or lack of flavor
  3. New home
  4. Change in routine
  5. Slow metabolism
  6. Stomach disturbance
  7. Constipation
  8. Mouth infection, injury, swollen gums that hurts while chewing
  9. Tooth pain, broken tooth
  10. Recent medication, surgery or vaccination
  11. Gastrointestinal problems (parasites, colitis, or cancer)
  12. Oral tumors
  13. Kidney ailment
  14. Pancreatitis
  15. Anxiety or stress

3) For How Long You Can Let Your Cat Go Without Eating?

Well in this matter cats are like humans; they can go a bit longer without eating anything than drinking water. As mentioned earlier, cats can live up to two weeks without eating but, you should not let your cat starve for days.

Your cat will become weak without getting proper nutrition that comes from pet food especially protein.

If your cat doesn’t eat for more than 24-30 hours, it’s something you should worry about

If your cat doesn’t eat for more than 24-30 hours, it’s something you should worry about and must head to your vet immediately.

4) What Happens If a Cat Does Not Eat?

Cats get their nutrition majorly from animal protein. If a cat goes without eating protein for more than two days, it can become malnourished and can fall sick. starvation can lead to organ failure very quickly.

For cats to be happy and healthy, regularly eating is extremely very important to provide them with essential nutrients required to live

For cats to be happy and healthy, regularly eating is extremely very important to provide them with essential nutrients required to live.

5) How to Get Your Cat Back on Eating:

You can surely get your cat back on track, eating regularly. You can try different tricks to check if your cat will start eating again.

  • Ensure that the food and serving bowls are clean
  • Cats love canned food, try giving your cat wet meat
  • Soak their solid food in some canned tuna juice
  • Cats prefer warmer foods over cold ones, try heating their meals a little bit
  • If your cat is at a new place, comfort them by serving food in a clean, quiet and uninterrupted area


The reasons behind your cat’s lost hunger can vary, but a serious possible reason can be a medical concern. Only a vet can help you with a proper treatment plan. Take appointment before things get worse!

Daney Hak

I’m a passionate cat mom and pet lover. Apart from being a cat owner, I’ve spent many years of my childhood around them. In my experience, I’ve learned the importance of understanding your cat to be able to cater to them adequately. Thank you so much for your time.

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