Why Do Cats Drool When You Pet Them? Is It Normal?

While you might see it as super common to hear about dogs drooling.  Have you ever noticed your cats drooling? Cats sometimes drool when you are being hold or pet them.  

In this case, you might be wondering what it means. Why do your cats drool when you pet them? In fact, there are several possible reasons for your cat to drool. 

While a little drool is natural, excessive drooling is usually a symptom that something is wrong and may indicate a medical condition.

In this post, we will go over the common reasons why your cat is drooling when you pet them and what​​ is wrong with them.

Here’s what you need to know. Let’s start to read!

Reasons Why Your Cats May Be Drooling

A cat’s drooling could be caused by a variety of reasons, including happiness and other abnormal reasons, it can be some medications that increase the production of saliva

In the following, there are some reasons why your cat is drooling that you should know and pay attention to them. 

Natural Instinct


If you see your cat drooling, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. According to Marilyn Krieger, Certified Cat Behavior Consultant in San Francisco said, some cats drool when they are content. It could be a part of their happiness and relaxation. 

You could notice, while young kittens nursing from her mom. She will begin to salivate in anticipation of a meal.

In fact, Cats also display happy behaviors including drooling, rolling around, purring, and rubbing their faces on you.

2.Stress, anxiety or fear

Drooling is also common in cats when they are stressed or anxious. High-stress events could include such as: Moving or change in their environment (even small changes), new pets in the house, visiting the vets and so on. 

If your cat is drooling due to stress, it will most likely be temporary. When the stressful incident is over, they should immediately stop dribbling.

However, it’s great to make your cat as happy and comfortable as possible, if you notice signs of stress above.

Abnormal instinct

1.Oral & Dental Diseases 

Oral and dental disease conditions are the most common cause of your cat’s drooling. 

Dental causes are extremely common in senior cats, with 80% of them having some kind of difficulty. 

This is usually due to the buildup of plaque during their lives, which leads to gum disease.

Oral and dental disease inflammation of the gums can cause drooling along with bad breath, blood around mouth and possible infections. 

In this case, your cat is not eating much and they are also making weird mouth movements.

If you notice your feline is drooling a lot and has a changed behavior, it is time to make a quick trip to the vet.  

2.Toxicity or Poisoning

It’s also possible that your cat is drooling because they ate something poisonous. 

If you have an outside cat, it’s not unheard of for them to consume something they shouldn’t. Cats are curious creatures who often explore the world with their nose and mouth. 

They might have licked, chewed, or eaten something poisonous substances can develop excess salivation. These poisonous plants include caustic chemicals and toxic foods. 

There are many items of food in your house that can be poisonous to your cat such as garlic, onions, chocolate and so on. 

If you see something in their mouth, proceed with caution before trying to remove it. 

You also should do your bit to prevent toxicity by keeping those food away from your feline.  

However, if you suspect your cat has eaten those things! Please contact your vet immediately. Excessive amounts of poisonous substances can be life-threatening.

3. Pathological & Systemic Cause 

Excessive drooling can also be caused by systemic issues. A cat may drool, if it has gastrointestinal, liver, or kidney disease.

In this case, only a veterinarian can identify it, so take your cat to the vet on a regular basis and whenever you have any concerns. 

Why Do Your Cats Drool When You Pet Them?

Your cat drools when you pet her, it’s probably because she’s happy. When your cat is in a happy mood, she forgets to swallow, resulting in drooling.

According to the ASPCA, when a cat drools during petting, she may be reminiscing about comforting feeding-time with her mom when she was a kitten. 

If your cat is drooling, it means she’s feeling comforted and relaxed in your presence, which is positively lovely.

However, not all cats will drool when you pet them. Maybe yours just purrs, which is nice as well. 

If your cat isn’t drooling, it’s not necessarily a bad thing, and it doesn’t mean they don’t love you any less. Each cat is distinct in its own way.

When to See a Vet

If you’re still not sure why your cat is drooling, you should consult a veterinarian.

Here’re signs that your cat needs to see a veterinarian:

  • Suddenly start drooling
  • Blood in the saliva
  • Drooling is combined with bad breath
  • Sign of periodontal or dental disease, oral cancers, or ulcers 

If you suspect your cat has eaten something bad that they shouldn’t. Check with the vet in the right way.

Final Thought:

Finally, why do cats drool when you pet them? Because they feel relaxed and content or happy in your presence, it’s very nice.

Although we are not sure of the reason why some cats do it, it is more of a conditional reaction, like humans, when we are hungry, we drool. 

As previously said, drool can be a natural and positive aspect of your cat’s behavior, but it’s important to rule out a medical problem causing the drooling. So, if your cat has a lot of drool, you should visit a veterinarian.

Daney Hak

I’m a passionate cat mom and pet lover. Apart from being a cat owner, I’ve spent many years of my childhood around them. In my experience, I’ve learned the importance of understanding your cat to be able to cater to them adequately. Thank you so much for your time.

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