Why Does My Cat Cry in The Bathroom?

Have you ever wondered, why does your cat cry in the bathroom?

Well, your cat crying in the bathroom, it could mean that they are trying to tell you something.

In this post, we will be exploring the possible reasons to help you understand your cat’s behavior behind the bathroom as well as how to stop your cat from meowing at the bathroom door.

Is It Normal for Cats to Cry When They Use the Bathroom?

In general, it is not normal for cats to cry when they use the bathroom. Cat doesn’t in the same way as humans do.

Some cats crying in the bathroom could be something that you need to consider.

However, it might depend on your cat’s behavior and their individual preferences. Some cats crying in the bathroom could be normal behavior because they want your action.

As we know, cats have strange behavior. There is a lot of unexpected action for cats, it is not only when they cry in the bathroom.

Therefore, cats crying in the bathroom could be both normal behavior and a medical condition.

The best way to modify this action, you should observe your cat when they are in the bathroom.

Overall, if you notice unusual signs while they are using the little box in the bathroom, it could be a cause for concern.

Below, we list all possible reasons for your cat’s behavior behind the bathroom meowing.

Reasons Why Your Cat Cries in The Bathroom?

While cats crying in the bathroom might seem strange, there are a few possible reasons for this behavior:

Normal Behavior

  • Protection

While your cat is in the toilet, they may feed unprotected and want you to keep an eye on them.

Therefore, you can try to spend your time with them and you should provide them with toys to keep them entertained.

  • Attention-seeking Behavior

Cats are social animals. They need your attention even if they are in the bathroom. They may also be bored or feel lonely when they stay alone in the bathroom.

  • Feeling Playful

Some cats may feel playful in the bathroom because it offers a variety of interesting smells and sounds that might increase their attention as cats are naturally curious creatures. 

In this case, your cat may cry in the bathroom to invite you to play their games with them.

Medical Concern

  • Feeling Pain or Discomfort

Some cats may feel pain in the restroom and choose the bathroom as a place to reduce their discomfort. Cats are highly stoic animals and they often experience pain without displaying any symptoms.

  • Anxiety and Stress

Some cats might see the bathroom as safe when they feel anxious or stressed because it is small and the limited entrance provides a sense of security for them.

  • Litter Box Issues

The litter box is also a possible reason for your cat to cry in the bathroom.   Your cat might feel unhappy or unsafe with the litter box if it is dirty or too small.

As we know cats are very sensitive to smell and texture so they can develop aversions to it.

  • Territorial Behavior

Cats are a natural instinct so some cats also could be related to territorial behavior even if they are using the litter box by showing sound.

  • Medical Conditions

It is also worth considering whether your cats have any medical conditions that may be causing discomfort while using the restroom.

As a result, your cat may cry if they are in pain or due to urinary tract infections or other health issues.

In this case, if you notice your cat frequently cries in the bathroom, it is important to closely monitor their behavior.

It is always the best way to consult with your veterinarian if necessary.

How to Stop Meowing at the Bathroom Door?

While cats might meow or cry in the bathroom for different reasons, there are some possible ways that you can stop your cats from meowing at the bathroom door:

Rule out any possible medical issues: it is important to visit your vet if your cat excessive meowing while they are in the bathroom to ensure there are no health concerns for them.

Provide a comfortable place: provide them with a comfortable place and make sure your cat has everything they need outside the restroom such as food, water, toys, a comfortable bed, especially a litter box that must be clean and a quiet area.

Ignore this behavior: if your cat still meows or cries at the bathroom door, it is important to ignore their behavior. You can wait for your cat to stop crying before giving attention or entering the room.

Positive encouragement: if you notice that your cat is stressed or quiet, you should reward them with treats or praise. This will help your cat have a better feel.

Give attention and playtime: you should spend some time playing with them. You can provide them with short sessions of around 10 -15 min per day. It will help your cat release energy and reduce attention-seeking behaviors.

However, you should remember these tips worked unless you are patient.

Overall, if your cat excessively meows, you should consult with a professional or your vet. They will give the best advice and guide you best on your cat’s behavior.

Why Does My Cat Scream at Me When I Get in The Shower?

If you have heard your cat meowing or howling while you’re having a shower, brushing your teeth or even washing your hand, it could be due to several reasons such as:

  • They may want to be with you
  • They are bored or curious
  • They are stressed or anxious
  • They are associated with positive experiences in the bathroom
  • Your cat wants to communicate with you.

To stop this behavior, you can provide them with toys to keep them busy during your shower or give them playtime before and after you shower to fulfill their social needs.

Finally Thought:

While cats are known for their strange behaviors, there are possible reasons for their crying in the bathroom such as normal behavior and medical condition.

Therefore, it is important for the owner to understand your cat’s behavior as it will help you to provide them with the right care and attention for your cat.

Try to love your cat as much as possible as they are also our family.

Daney Hak

I’m a passionate cat mom and pet lover. Apart from being a cat owner, I’ve spent many years of my childhood around them. In my experience, I’ve learned the importance of understanding your cat to be able to cater to them adequately. Thank you so much for your time.

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