Why Does My Cat Howl in the Middle of the Night? What to Do?

Why Does My Cat Howl in the Middle of the Night? What to Do?

It is normal to hear a cat meowing at night. It is widely known that cats are night owls but if it is your cat that is howling at night, you may be concerned about it.

It is a sign of their discomfort and it also disturbing your sleeping deeply in the middle of the night when suddenly. So why does your cat howl at night?

Some cats howl at night because of their breed characteristics such as “The Russian blue”.

It likes to carry on constant conversations but most cats do it for specific reasons.

In the below, There are some reasons that you need to know and give a cat attention for howling. 

Why Does My Cat Howl in the Middle of the Night?


You may have heard, cats are nocturnal. Naturally, they are more active during the dawn and dusk hours.

Cats have a higher proclivity for nighttime activity, as their instincts tell them that this is the best time to hunt.

Although many cats adapt to their owners’ routines. This energy can contribute to the howling.


There are a lot of reasons when senior cats start meowing or howling at night. Increased howling, it can be a sign of medical conditions such deterioration hearing and vision.  

Neurological problems such as cognitive impairment, which can afflict cats beyond the age of ten, can also disrupt your cat’s sleep pattern.

An aging cat’s sleep-wake cycle may vary, causing her to sleep during the day and wander at night, just like in humans.

Lonely or bored

It’s possible that cats howl at night because they’re bored. They might not have enough exercise during the day and want to play.

Indoor Cats: If you have an indoor cat who doesn’t have access to the outside, you might need plenty of time with them.

So please ask yourself, do you provide what they need during the day?You need to be sure, you are not leaving your cat alone for a long time during the day.

They might want to contact you. You may be their only source. If you’re not, she howls at night. It can essentially be attention-seeking behavior.

Outdoor Cats: During the day, if your cat is outside, and you keep them indoors at night.

It is a good chance that they may howl at nighttime because they are feeling trapped and bored.

New Environment

You have a new kitten: A new kitten may howl at night. She may be lonely because she was used to sleeping with her mom. She might be scared for the first few nights. 

Moved house or apartment: She might also be scared with the new environment if you and your cat have moved recently to a new house or apartment, she may be feeling unsettled. 

Keep in mind that a cat’s adaptation to a new home and habit could take longer than yours.

Adult Cat

People are looking for love at certain times of the year, your cat does too. You will hear a lot more noise, if your cat can not be spayed or neutered.

Males howl when they smell a female, and females howl when they smell a male. The best fix, getting your pet spayed or neutered will prevent this.

It also helps them avoid various diseases like breast tumors and uterine infections for females and prostate problems for males.


Hungry can cause a cat to wake up in the middle of the night. Ask yourself, have you missed feeding your cat? Cats often howl for food.

The worst mistake that can make your cat get up at night. If your cat is hungry, you won’t get much sleep, so feed it before going to bed.

What to Do If Your Cat Howls All Night?

There are a few tips for stopping your cat howling at night time.

  • Giving a cat attention by playing with them during the day.
  • Make your cat comfortable.
  • Scoop the litter box before bed.
  • Reset your cat’s body clock.
  • Blinds so she’s not distracted by things outside.
  • Check for lights or sounds that could disturb your cat sleep.
  • Feeding them later in the evening to keep them satiated at night may have a positive impact.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, I recommend getting your cat checked out. To be sure your cat isn’t suffering from any bodily ailments.

However, I believe the issue is that your cat has trained you to respond to his howling at night.Anyway, Note and take a look at their body language. You will know more, how your cat is feeling.

Daney Hak

I’m a passionate cat mom and pet lover. Apart from being a cat owner, I’ve spent many years of my childhood around them. In my experience, I’ve learned the importance of understanding your cat to be able to cater to them adequately. Thank you so much for your time.

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